Filipina Must Haves is the online destination for all things beauty.

We’re the source for discovering a beauty product worthy of your money. We put the latest finds and cult pieces to the test and happily act as guinea pigs — so you won’t have to. (You’re welcome.)

Test-driving truckloads of makeup and beauty products, we find the goods that will take your look to the next level. We are your guide to the best beauty products around, from foundation for every skin type to makeup brushes for every job. We’re your in-the-know BFF who can get you accurate product comparisons, insights from top names in the beauty industry, and solve your beauty problems.

We work with makeup artists, hair stylists, and bloggers to bring you the expert opinion on news and trends, and accurate product comparisons. Our style is conversational — but smart.

With Filipina Must Haves, you’ll never have to make a bad beauty buy again!